Friday, October 17, 2014


It has been a while since I've last posted. Just a quick update to let you know what has been going on in my life the last several's been a period of transitions. This past April was a year since the passing of my mom. That was the hardest transition for me of all and throughout this past year I have really struggled through a haze of grief and sadness. During the spring I was busy enjoying the last few months with my daughter and all the busy-ness surrounding high school graduation. The summer flew by in a blur of shopping for dorm room decorations and supplies and one last family beach trip. Since the summer started, there were more transitions....

1) In July I went back to work and am currently working at St. Vincent's One Nineteen in the spa.  I am working PRN in the spa as a licensed massage therapist and really love my job! I work with a great team of therapists and have the best clients!

2) I officially joined the empty nest club when our youngest left for college in August. I'm STILL adjusting to this change in my life. All I can say right now is that it sure is quiet around here and I have a lot more time on my hands these days. Hopefully I will get used to my little empty nest someday.

3) I joined Young Living as a wholesale member and have been having such fun using essential oils! I have been interested in aromatherapy and essential oils for quite a while, but I have just fallen in love with Young Living's product line! A friend from work showed me the oils and I'm having so much fun experimenting with their products.

Here is an easy recipe for a sugar scrub to make at home:

Lavender Sugar Scrub

2 1/2 cups brown or white sugar
8 oz of oil (almond, coconut, grape seed oil... or whatever oil that you have on hand)
15-25 drops of lavender essential oil (or your favorite oil or combination of oils)

small mason jars with lids or whatever container you want to use

Mix the sugar and oil in a bowl until it has the consistency of sand that you can clump or pinch in your fingers.

Add the essential oil and stir to combine.

Place mixture in jars and add a little bit of oil on top to keep the top layer from drying out.

Seal and label jars (if desired)

*These make great Christmas gifts, hostess gifts, teacher gifts, or are just great to have on hand when you want to pamper yourself! Use your imagination and create your own favorite blends of oils!

Future Plans for my blog:

I plan to start blogging more often in the future and hope to include more recipes using essential oils for non-toxic cleaning products and beauty products, as well as some recipes for using essential oils in my culinary creations. I would like to do more book and product reviews and possibly some D.I.Y./Crafting and travel sections. I will be switching my blog over to Wordpress in the near future, so bear with me during that transition.