Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Finding Our Hidden Gems

"When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure."  ~ Peter Marshall

"Even if our efforts of attention seem for years to be producing no result, one day a light that is in exact proportion to them will flood the soul."   ~  Simone Weil

A diamond is only formed under intense heat and pressure. It's through extreme conditions that the molecular structure of the diamond is melded into place. And it is that  molecular structure that makes the diamond what it is. I love the analogy of the diamond because it shows that something of great beauty can be formed over a long time and out of great pressure. A similar analogy can be found in the pearl. An irritant or a parasite causes the oyster to secrete a substance to protect itself from the irritation. This substance eventually forms the pearl, but the irritant is the catalyst. 

Patience is a recurring theme in my life. Some of my greatest challenges in life have revolved around developing patience as well as my response to adversity and challenges. My normal reaction is to avoid stress, pressure and irritations. Sometimes in the midst of the pressures of life I lose site of the fact that God is continually molding us all into being His beautiful diamonds and pearls. Just like the sculptor who chisels away at the stone to create a thing of beauty, God is chiseling away those imperfections in our lives to uncover our true potential and our hidden gems. 

What can I learn from the diamond and the pearl? Things of beauty and value take time and often come out of much pressure and irritation. I can't expect results over night and transformation doesn't occur without change; change doesn't occur without some stress, pressure or irritation. This is a journey and along the way there will be trials and set backs, wrong turns and detours. I need to surrender to the process, strive to develop patience and count it all joy. Things are happening below the surface even if I see no outward visible effects. It will be worth it in the end. I just have to stay the course and not throw in the towel when things don't go as planned. Some things are beyond my control and some things are happening for a reason. I hope that I can hold on to the vision of the diamond and the pearl and realize that those circumstances that I view as pressures, stresses and irritants are part of the process of becoming who I am meant to be.

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